Join Us

Becoming a Member

We allow only one member per business category in the group, so we can channel all of our referrals for suitable clients to that one member, without competition. 

Among other categories, we are looking for:

  • Acupuncturist

  • Bar/Restaurant owners

  • Cabling/physical networking person

  • Caterer

  • Chiropractor

  • CPA

  • Dentist

  • Hairstylist

  • Handyman

  • Health insurance/employee benefits/workers comp

  • Housecleaner

  • House painter

  • HR consulting

  • Insurance Broker: Liability/commercial/fire/auto insurance

  • Landscape design

  • Organizer

  • Photographer

  • Physical therapist

  • Real Estate Staging

  • Salon

  • Therapist

  • Videographer

Our currently filled categories:

  • Accountant

  • Architect

  • Business Coach

  • Energetic Healer

  • Esthetician

  • Event Coordinator

  • Financial Advisor

  • IT Solutions Apple and Microsoft

  • Martial Arts/Karate

  • Massage Therapist

  • Nutritionist

  • Residential Real Estate Agent

  • Website Designer

We track the productivity of our group by keeping statistics on the number of referrals made, those which result in closed business, dollar amounts of closed business, number of one-to-ones with Trust members outside of our regular meeting time, and special work members contribute that furthers its growth and well-being. 

In addition to engaged participation in the meetings, a respect for the meeting agenda with an eye toward beginning and ending the meetings on time each week, and best efforts toward making qualified referrals to members in the group, we have three additional requirements for membership:

  1. Regular attendance of each weekly meeting, with a maximum of only six missed in a six-month period.

  2. Reliable follow-through on referrals through members.

  3. $60 membership fee for six months.

We are currently meeting via Zoom every Thursday morning from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. sharp

Click HERE to contact us for more information and please include the category that you represent.

Ready to apply for membership? Click HERE and fill out our application!